Ideal candidates for dental implants are those in good physical health who have sufficient bone and no underlying infection or disease. Even if your case is more complex, involving multiple missing teeth, or more extensive bone loss, we can help you become a candidate for dental implants. If you’re unsure whether you qualify for dental implants, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with our team at Implants Pro Center®. With our personalized care, we can help you become eligible for dental implants.
If you don’t presently qualify for dental implants, it’s important to consult with an experienced dental implantologist on how to gain eligibility. Dental implants are a complex treatment that require more unique experience and skill than other restorative solutions. If you have many missing teeth and bone loss or are suffering from oral infection, this only adds to the complexity and the need for a qualified and experienced clinician.
Determining candidacy requires a comprehensive evaluation and diagnostics from our implant dentist. Generally speaking, the following are factors influence dental implant candidacy:
Dental implants need a healthy oral environment to remain successful long-term. If infection is present, this can damage gum tissues and bone. Active gum disease will require treatment before dental implants placement to avoid failure.
The health of your jawbone is crucial to dental implant success. Without proper density and volume, dental implants will not have proper support. Bone will need to be rebuilt and strengthened through bone grafting surgery or bone modification.
Medical conditions such as diabetes and immune system disorders make it more difficult for your body to heal after surgery. Systemic disease also increases the risk of infection after surgery. Managing these conditions helps improve the chances of treatment success.
With proper maintenance, dental implants can potentially last the rest of your life. We emphasize maintaining excellent physical and oral health in your everyday routines. If you smoke, consider quitting before your surgery and practice good daily oral hygiene habits.
At Implants Pro Center®, we not only help patients become candidates for dental implants, but provide personalized treatment that reflects their individual health, functional, and aesthetic goals. An important step of your treatment process is understanding what you want to accomplish with new teeth, whether it’s the ability to eat without restriction, a beautiful and natural smile, or confidence to socialize. Dental implants can meet these desires—and often exceed them! We are dedicated to providing a superior quality experience and smile for each of our patients. We’re here to offer you a personalized consultation and evaluation, and help you become the right fit for dental implants.
Monday 9 AM – 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM – 6 PM
Wednesday 9 AM – 6 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 6 PM
Friday 9 AM – 6 PM*
*Administrative only
450 Sutter St, Suite 1905
San Francisco, CA 94108