Extraction of a tooth means the failure of a conservative approach, which may result in reconstructive surgery, i.e., immediate dental implant placement. This is a technique with quick loading. In the present era, the immediate loading of a dental implant at the time of placement has become a feasible treatment option, particularly in the esthetic zone. It is because tooth loss in the esthetic area most often results in bone loss volume in the vertical and horizontal directions. To reduce this alveolar bone resorption and maintain the periodontal architecture, placement of implants immediately after a tooth extraction is advised. When replacing one or two teeth in the anterior maxilla, provisionalization can be more comfortable by quickly loading the dental implant. The success story and relative advantages of maxillary anterior single immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone have been well recorded.
Immediate loading is very often defined in terms of timing as at a single dental visit as dental implant placement. This procedure is often advantageous in assisting soft-tissue contour. While considering incomplete and complete edentulism, the logistics of offering a provisional restoration often dictate a delay from the time of dental implant placement. For this reason, in contrast to any biological basis, “immediate” is most commonly defined as “within 48 hrs.” As we are much concerned about your wellbeing, we provide the best possible service at our San Francisco center. You may visit us to learn how this therapeutic option of immediate loading compensates for the harmful psychological effects of extraction. There are two significant advantages of immediate loading:
The first is the biological effect, which includes the osseointegration of the dental implant despite the constraints practiced during the healing stage.
The second one is the imperative effect, which is logical and includes the subsequent production of the surgical and prosthetic stage in a short time.
Advantages of Immediate load Dental Implants
- A better method for developing soft-tissue site of the single-tooth restoration
- Provides efficient fabrication of the final restoration
- Saves time duration until the prosthesis
- More acceptable to patients (than the removable substitute)
- Immediate functional and esthetic (sculpting of the soft tissues) rehabilitation of the patient
- Omits the second-stage surgery
- Adjacent papillae are properly preserved contributing to the final esthetic outcome
- Countersinking the implant below the crestal bone is removed, reducing the early crestal bone loss.
The most significant factor for the loading of a dental implant with a prosthesis and its success is stability. In immediate implants, there is a customized socket wall for attaining excellent initial balance. To achieve good initial stability/primary stability implants 2 mm larger than the socket length are chosen, and excess preparation of 2 mm beyond the socket is performed, with initial drilling followed by sequential drilling. Hence, the initial stability attained is primarily due to the contact of the dental implant-bone interface, only in the apical one-third. The selection of the implant body contour is very significant to achieve excellent initial stability. As the socket wall is tapered toward the apex, it is the best possible way to use cylindrical or straight screw dental implants. Drilling with drills that have perfect angulation is also given priority, as always, if the root is slightly curly, the drill goes toward the path of least resistance. Therefore, a firm grip is needed to prepare a 2-mm implant site apically. Implants are put into an extraction socket with the implant shoulder margin at least 2 mm below the crestal bone level. The vertical resorption can be confined by fixing the implant shoulder beneath the level of the crestal bone. Assessment of the crestal bone level can be performed using standardized digital periapical radiographs with the long-cone paralleling technique.
Implants should be at least 10 mm long. This number has been concluded empirically over numerous experiments as a limited length of the implant needed to impart adequate primary stability in the presence of other factors. The patient should agree to consume only the softest of foods, preferably liquids, for up to 8 weeks. Also, patients having excessive parafunctional habits are not provisionally modified.
There are an emerging requirement and demand for immediately loaded dental treatment solutions in the management of partial or total edentulism. Here, the results obtained according to those of the specialized literature stimulate the belief that the immediate dental implant loading is a reliable method. This solves in excellent conditions, both the functional and esthetic needs of an immediate postextraction implant. Hence, this dental implant procedure can be included in regular clinical practice if favorable soft- and hard-tissue components are provided for achieving the best esthetic outcome.
Implants Pro Center©, San Francisco offers a consultation at your convenience. You can learn more about dental implants and Implant Pro Center’s treatment approaches. Find out today how dental implants can change your life. At Implants Pro Center©, Sn Francisco, we take all primary dental and medical PPO insurances, along with Medicare, thereby decreasing your anxiety about the expense of dental implant treatment or any oral surgeries. A tremendously experienced and caring team will give life-long care, maintenance, and assistance. Implants Pro Center© is also decked with all the modern technologies like CT-Scan, Intravenous Sedation, Platelet Rich Fibrin, etc. to present nothing less than the best of services. You will be entirely at ease for any of your surgeries.