Losing teeth can affect the look of your smile while creating functionality issues. It also can put a severe dent in your self-confidence. Two of the most used solutions that dental professionals use to address these problems are dental implants and dental bridges. A dental implant is a false tooth root (typically made from titanium) […]
Avoid Bone Loss And Preserve Your Jaw– Come In For An Appointment Today! Jawbone atrophy is a condition of bone deterioration linked with tooth loss. The roots of your natural teeth stimulate the jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. When teeth are missing, this stimulation gets affected. As a result, bone growth stops suddenly […]
Dental implants are an everlasting tooth root replacement option that assists artificial teeth. They are a common alternative to more conventional ways of settling down the problem of missing teeth. Dental implants are used to restore one or several teeth or to hold removable dentures in place. Implants can re-establish your smile and self-esteem, and […]
Dental implants are the only substitute for missing teeth, which includes an artificial tooth root (is like a tiny screw and is made of titanium). The implant fuses with the bone once the artificial tooth is placed in the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. If you have missing back molars issue, you should consult […]
Receding gums or gum recession is a situation in which the bone that works as the base of your teeth begins to recede, leaving the roots of teeth exposed. This results in an increased risk of tooth decay and the significant loss of your teeth. Also, this could result in increased tooth sensitivity, making eating […]
A dental prosthesis is an intraoral process (inside the mouth), used to reconstruct intraoral problems (missing teeth, missing any parts of teeth, and missing soft or hard structures of the jaw and palate as well). Prosthodontics is the dental specialty that is specialized in dental prostheses. These dental tools include dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, […]
Extraction of a tooth means the failure of a conservative approach, which may result in reconstructive surgery, i.e., immediate dental implant placement. This is a technique with quick loading. In the present era, the immediate loading of a dental implant at the time of placement has become a feasible treatment option, particularly in the esthetic […]
Dental implants are the artificial tooth roots used to help in restoring a missing tooth or teeth, support to stop or prevent jaw bone loss and many other benefits. By restoring missing tooth roots, dental implants help in better functioning of their teeth and offer people with the strength and stability needed to eat, without […]
For a dental implant to become permanently static, the body must grow bone to the surface of the dental implant. This process is called osseointegration. Osseointegration, in general, means the direct structural and functional link between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. It follows bonding up of a dental implant into […]
New Teeth in Just One Day! With the latest medical advances, it is now possible to place a dental implant and establish with the final replacement crown, bridge or dentures instantly ensuring you return home with your new smile in the same day. The same-day dental implant is a process where patients can have dental […]